Bailey: You are probably not wrong you are probably right. Why do you want to hand your big save over to Kraev who will walk around this hospital like he put it together? You are handing your power over to a boy because he is giving you sex.
Lexie: I'm not - I'm...
Bailey: I'm Dr. Bailey and I know everything.

Lexie: How did you do it? How did you learn?
Mark: I'm still learning.

If you can't handle being used for sex, tell me. So I can find a guy who can.

Lexie: I do not have feelings for Alex.
Cristina: I do not care.

Meredith: You are a no feelings type of girl. Your heart lives in your vagina.
Lexie: My heart... does not live in my vagina!

Mark: Ahhh! What did you do to your hair?
Lexie: I changed it! [pauses] You thought I was someone else. And you were hitting on me! You are pathetic, and hypocritical and slutty.

Lexie: Mark was really awesome at leaving you with good sex injuries.
Cristina: Please don't cry on my ass.

At least he could be civil. I had a one-night stand. Big deal.

Lexie: Derek is loyal and fair.
Jackson: Tell that to Webber.

Arizona: He makes scratching look sexy.
Lexie: He makes everything look sexy.

Lexie: Oh god, you're gonna tell Derek and then Derek's gonna tell Mark that I'm a whore.
Meredith: No! I'm not going to say anything, and neither are you.

Meredith: Izzie leaves and Mark gets a kid, and you two decide the best way to deal is to get drunk and mash your genitals together?
Alex: No freaking way you get to judge us or give relationship advice. Besides you were a total dirty mistress like two weeks ago.
Lexie: Are we calling me a dirty mistress?
Meredith: That was two years ago and his wife didn't have cancer!
Lexie: Because I've been with like six guys in my whole life. Alex and I, we've done it before. I was recycling, it was like good for the environment.
Alex: Izzie's gone. I was horny. She was there.
Lexie: Oh crap, I am a dirty mistress!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.