Jack: You like NBC, don't you Kenneth?
Kenneth: I think it's the most wonderful place in the whole wide world.

Charlie: At some point, you have to turn the horse into glue, Ken.
Kenneth: That is a waste of delicious dead horse.

Delightful Charlie Chaplin. You have the mustache and everything.

Ken's mom: He writes his own songs.
Kenneth: Are they about being a loser?
Ron: Some of them.

Kenneth: You've never been wrong about anything before.
Tracy: It's a blessing and a purse.

Why is he learning anything? He's supposed to be God.

Kenneth: ...while we have gotten to second base...
Tracy: You mean a threesome with Robinson Cano?

Kenneth: I need some advice.
Tracy: I recommend you get it from Liz Lemon or an Owl who wears glasses.

She isn't a bitch. She's a meanie pants.

I know the Woggles. My eight year old niece walked down the aisle to that song at her wedding.

Look at us laughing together...like a couple of Jews watching The Daily Show.

Jenna: What do you know about revenge?
Kenneth: Well, the Bible says it's wrong, but it's the surprise hit of the season on ABC so I don't know!

30 Rock Quotes

Jack: Are you familiar with the GE tri-vection oven?
Liz: I don't cook very much.
Jack: Sure... I gotcha. New York, third-wave feminist, college-educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over-scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says "healthy body image" on the cover, and every two years you take up knitting for ... a week.
Pete: That is dead on!
Liz: What, are you going to guess my weight now?
Jack: You don't want me to do that.

[to Liz] I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger woman.
