Eww, dad tried to take me out to fast food. Chicken nuggets are 15 points. It's almost bathing suit season

Hilda: Succulent and flavor full, reminds me of me
Justin: Mom, inappropriate

One minute til curtain. This is the worst thing that has ever happened and I'm not exaggerating

Hilda: I promise we'll get you into the city to see Hairspray
Justin: Like you promised me a new Fergus CD, which I still don't have? Come on mom, don't phunk with my heart

Hilda: So you really don't care how I dress?
Justin: Well I'm not crazy about the animal prints and you're a little over accessorized. You have your own style, it's cool.

Bobby's Mom: your a mother, why don't you try looking like it
Hilda: You're a woman, why don't you try looking like that
Justin: Snap!

Wilhelmina: Hey Wilhelmina, love the hat
Kayla Brooks: Thank you
Wilhelmina: Do we know this person?
Justin: Kayla Brooks, fashion correspondent for New York One. She's in midnight blue Chanel with pewter buttons and navy stockings
Wilhelmina: Mistake?
Justin: Colossal. She looks like a mailbox
Wilhelmina: You're good, Jason
Justin: It's Justin. You can call me whatever you want, I love you

Justin: Okay, here's how this is gonna work, ladies. You two are taking me to fashion week
Hilda: Justin...
Justin: No argument. I've been waiting for this my whole life I did my homework I called in sick to school today you just have to sign this little slip
Hilda: Don't think for a second...
Justin: I swear mom, I will run away. I know a kid in sixth grade that sell crack

Justin: Are you talking to Posh?
Betty: No, but I'm talking to the people that talk to her
Justin: Betty rules

Justin: ooh a Burberry belt. I gotta call all my friends
Hilda: No you don't!! Justin!!

Hilda: Who moved our Christmas decorations?
Justin: And what's Santa doing to that elf
Hilda: This has the skank prints of Gina Gamboni all over it!
Justin: Well you did run over her Christmas tree and Christmas is a time of love and forgiveness
Hilda: Grow up Tiny Tim, this means wars.

Hilda: Don't even think about it
Justin: How does she do that?
Santos: She's a little bit of a witch
Betty: Give or take a letter

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]