You know what I like to do when I'm trying to get my mind off something or someone? I channel it into a project. Hello, you think I really care about macrame? Okay, bad example because I love macrame!

Betty: I only get two tickets to the mode show this year so we have to decide who's going
Justin: I get one, or I tell everyone you still love Ricky Martin
Betty: *gasp*
Justin: I'm sorry I had to play hard ball

Ignacio [referring to Claire]: What an amazing woman
Hila: Yeah if you can get past the booze, the pills, the murder
Justin: Why a biography has not been written about that woman, it's criminal
Ignacio: I'd buy it

Ignacio: You know what I really want I really want a chili dog with fries
Justin: Uh uh. Heart attack or not that's just disgusting

Hilda: It's gonna be like my very own Broadway opening
Ignacio: Yea it's like Spring Awakening, Avenue Q, and South Pacific all rolled in to one
Justin: Grandpa nice
Ignacio: Hey I keep up

This one almost went it, but I touched something gross on the pole

Betty: You want some cereal... shoot I forgot to get the cereal.. which okay because we don't have any milk
Justin: Don't worry about it, we're making macaroni necklaces today, I'll just eat that

Hilda: We're trying to plan a wedding here
Santos: That's right, best man. What you don't want to help with this?
Justin: I told mom if she went with the green organze for the brides maids, she's on her own

Doesn't anyone care that I am understudying the lead in West Side Story? God forbid Joey Colano takes ill and I don't know my finger snaps for the rumble.

Noo don't do it! Barbara didn't cut her nails to play Yentl, did she?


Justin: That's great. We need a party. We'll have a theme: crossing the border. We'll have a big fence in the door and make everyone climb over it.

Betty: ...a guy is the last thing i should be thinking about
Hilda: Why? you're young, you have a good job, your own apartment
Justin: And you're wearing heels sometimes... thank god

Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]