I'm a grown ass man.

That's so sweet. You want me to outlive you?


I mean, Castle's death would be sad and all.

How is a DVD going to kill you?

Ryan: Oh what, he's Liam Neeson now?
Espo: Liam Neeson? He's barely Ashley Judd.

Kate, you should go. He needs you.

Bracken's got it coming so I say let it come.

You know, I was really hoping the next time I saw this guy it would be down the barrel of my gun.

Someone that sexy going to prison is a crime.

How's the im-breast-igation going?

Dude, nobody says bling anymore. Try shine.

I was featured in the NYPD calendar.

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
