You have to turn back Jared because if you don't, here's what's going to happen. HRT, that's the Hostage Rescue Team, they're going to wait for you to get weak and tired. Then a dozen highly trained guys armed to the teeth will breach this car and trust me when I tell you they will not play.

Esposito: Really, we didn't get that call.
Ryan: Once again, not invited.

What do you say that we forget that you were acting like the Wikipedia of B & E?

Between the cops and Bracken's guy, Beckett's right in the crosshairs.

Castle: Guys, she wouldn't want you involved.
Esposito: We're already involved. We're family, bro.

Esposito: I can't believe we just got beat by a girl.
Ryan: Lets never speak of this again.

All he knows is that sometime between 3 and 4 it was Death Race 2000 out here.

This is Beckett we're talking about. She might be your fiancee but she's also a damn good cop so don't sell her short.

Just Yumi. I guess if you don't have a last name you can charge more.

Castle: Seriously, you've never heard of Matilda King?
Esposito: I'm betting that most real men haven't.

Ryan: You're going to bust on me now for being sentimental.
Esposito: I figure it's my last chance.

Javier? You're going to name a white, Irish kid Javier.

Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
