Jake: Hey, I was calling you. Why didn't you answer?
Quinn: Did you have a different, stirring interpretation of the "Your Boss is Dead" monologue that you wanted to perform? Because I already caught the Broadway version that Huck did.

David: Do you see this hat?
Jake: I don't see a hat.
David: Use your imagination. I'm wearing a ten-gallon white hat. Just for the record.

Quinn: Why aren't you calling the White House?
Jake: If I call the White House they'll kill Olivia. They can't go get her.
Quinn: Then...it's the three of us? We bust in there and take on god knows how many armed mercenaries ourselves? All right. I'm down.

Jake: Man, do I love you.
Olivia: I want Vermont with Fitz.
Jake: Oh, okay.
Olivia: I also want the sun with you.
Jake: So...
Olivia: I'm not choosing. I'm not choosing Jake. I'm not choosing Fitz. I'm choosing me. I'm choosing Olivia. And right now, Olivia is dancing. Now, you can dance with me or you can get off my dance floor. I'm fine dancing alone.

Jake: Say the word. I will stop trying to find your father. We can pack up and leave all of this behind. We can close Pandora's box and go back to the sun.
Olivia: The sun went down a long time ago, and it's not coming back up.

Jake: You could let me rot in here. Be easy. Solve all your problems. I mean, I did tell him that you loved me too, but I was just messing with his head. All you have to do is just turn your head and then you and that Fitz guy can just dance off into the sun.
Olivia: Don't ever talk about me and the sun and another man again. Don't ever do that. Okay?

Fitz: Look, Jake...
Jake: Captain Ballard. Jake is what my friends call me. You're not my friend, Mr. President. Friends don't put you in prison for crimes you didn't commit. They don't refuse to hear you when you're telling them the truth. They don't hit you when you can't hit back. So when you refer to me from this point forward it will be as Captain Ballard, is that understood?

So now I'm innocent is what you're telling me? Good. Pleased to hear that. Should we each take turns hugging or how does this work exactly?

I could sit here and rattle on about being framed and your father being behind the whole thing but really that's just my word and why should you trust my word? I've been lying to you ever since we met, right? My word's not going to change anything, it can't. We both know in the end you're not going to choose me. That's okay, Olivia I want you to know I need you to know, not choosing me is okay.

[to Fitz] You're one of the good guys. She calls them White Hats. You don't think you are, but you are. It's why she loves you. I'm one too. It's why she loves me.

Fitz: You killed my son. I am going to have you destroyed. I'm going to watch you fry in the electric chair and I'm going to have a party when it happens.
Jake: You are a decent human being. You are a good person. I know this because she loves you. If you were not a good person you would be down here pummeling my face in. I would not be in the possession of a government agency. I would be in a ditch somewhere. No one would be worried about the timeline of my food and drink. I would be in an unmarked grave by now.

Oh, man. Oh my god, I am screwed. You have been waiting for this moment from the second I got in bed with her. I am here because of her. It doesn't matter what the truth is, does it? The only thing that matters is I put my hands where you think they don't belong and now I'm in chains.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
