Jake: Look, at some point, you're going to have to leave this place, face the music. You wanted to be with him. You wanted to be with him so much that I--what's changed?
Olivia: What's changed?

Jake: How does a guy facing a murder charge even get bail?
Quinn: By being rich and white.

You are owed, Olivia. You want what's yours? Go and take it.

B613 is gone. Command is in jail. I have delivered you home safe and sound. My mission is complete. And it has been my pleasure. Take care, Liv.

Jake: This is where the ride ends.
Olivia: What?
Jake: My mission is complete.

Olivia: I'm sick of being comforted. I'm sick of fighting and losing. I'm sick of him being in my way. I am not his victim. I am not his child. And right now? Right now I don't want to gladiate for everyone else. I want this. I want this. This is mine, Jake. I want what's mine. I'm owed! And watch me take it! And then, for once in his life, he's the scared kid and I'm command and he's got nothing, no one. He's trapped because you can't take Command, right?
Jake: Right.

  • Permalink: Right.
  • Added:

David: Does this mean you're in?
Jake: I was never out, Rosen. But this means war, you know that, right? We're the good guys, but you won't always be able to tell. That's what it's going to take.

Jake: Won't order takeout. I have no idea how she's surviving.
Fitz: Not much of a chef.
Jake: Excellent with a corkscrew.

David: Jake, you gave me those files. You said 'go get the bad guys.'
Jake: Rosen, we are the bad guys.
David: Not anymore.

David: Don't talk about murder in front of the Attorney General of the United States?
Jake: Fine, fine. Let's talk about the guy that I am not going to kill.

Jake: They warped me too. They added a beast inside me too and he's a really good guy. He's so much fun. You'd like him. But I do not let him out. Ever. Not when I fight. Not when I kill. Not when I hurt. Because he's not allowed out to play. He's not invited. He's behind lock and key. You have to keep your guy in, Huck. You have to lock him in all the time. Otherwise one day he will be strong enough to lock you in and you'll never get out.
Huck: Liv. Liv locks him in. She locks him in for me.
Jake: You gotta learn to do it on your own.

Everything they did to you they did to me. B613, they trained me, too. I was in the hole, too. I...slaughtered bodies I left in my wake. It feels good. That's the problem. Warm blood on your hands feels good. The music of a scream. For me, it was bones. If you snap a bone just right there's a clean, crisp sound that gets me right here. And if you lick their tears when it happens?

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
