This isn't real, is it? I'm just gonna keep my eyes close because this is like that moment in the morning when you first wake up and you're still half asleep and everything seems... things are possible, dreams feel true and for that one moment between waking and sleeping anything can be real, and then you open your eyes and the sun hits you and then you realize that... I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed.

Alex: I slept with someone.
Izzie: We'll get through it.

[to Alex] I'm gonna work in Tacoma and it's gonna be awesome and you're gonna be jealous.

Surgery. It's the thing you come home from, not the thing you come home to.

Izzie: He needs a spinal tap. His falling could have burst an anyerism and some bleeds show up on a spinal tap that don't on the CT.
Charles: And some doctors enjoy torturing patients because they messed up and don't know what they're gonna do with the rest of their lives.
Izzie: You are the one that got me fired. You owe me this, you little bitch. Unless of course you want me to find that snotty Reed, what's her name? Tell her how much you love her. Cause I will.

Alex: So are you back or...
Izzie: Oh did you want me to come back? Cause you told the Chief you had serious doubts about my abilities to be here.
Alex: What?
Izzie: You went behind my back and told the Chief I wasn't ready to be here.
Alex: He was making cuts, I was protecting you.
Izzie: You got me fired Alex.
Alex: Is that what you think?
Izzie: This job was the one thing I had left, the one thing, and you took that away from me. You interfered and got me fired. I have forgiven you for a lot Alex. I've had to forgive you for a lot, but I cannot forgive you for this.
Alex: You made an assumption. You decided I did something. You didn't ask. You didn't hang around to talk. I am your husband and you didn't give me the benefit of the doubt. So you know what? I can't forgive you either.

Alex: A deer?
Izzie: We have to move.

Owen: He had a couple of months, and we just took that away.
Izzie: I'm sorry, it's my fault.
Owen: No, it's my fault. It was my call, and it was the wrong call. I was wrong and I should have known better. I should have... I should have taught better. You see one in a million and you want to believe. I was wrong to do the surgery, I was wrong to put you on this case. You weren't ready. You weren't ready to be here. You beat the odds Steven's, you were one in a million. But, you cannot be a doctor and a patient in here. You have to choose.

Izzie: Hey, my stomach cancer patient, we're going for the surgery. We're gonna do it. Hunt actually listened to me.
Alex: That's great.
Izzie: Right. I'm gonna go scrub in. Oh, hey, are you ok? I'm sorry about the whole tick thing.
Alex: I'm fine. It's a small price to pay for fresh air.
Izzie: Ok.
Alex: You're welcome.

Cristina: Did I tell you how great your hair looks. It's all short and um, edgy.
Izzie: Why, you are really tweaking out. How long's it been since you've cut?
Cristina: Over a week.
Izzie: Ooh.

Izzie: What are you doing?
Cristina: Just making sure everything's running smoothly here. And... it is. Kudos.
Izzie: Oh, no, no, no, no. Ah uh! Oh, no! I am on Hunt's service. Anything that turns surgical down here is mine.
Cristina: You don't need the hours, you spent the last 6 months in the OR.
Izzie: Unconscious on a table. It does not count.

Alex: We could move back to Meredith's.
Izzie: You did not just say that!
Alex: Why not?
Izzie: Because, we're married now. This is how it's supposed to be. You and me, out in the world, making a life for ourselves. Besides, don't you just enjoy waking up to the fresh air and the sounds of birds chirping.
Alex: You know what I enjoy? I enjoy plumbing! I enjoy plumbing so much!
Izzie: It's not that I don't love it at Mer's. I do. It's just, I just, I can't move backwards, Alex. Not after everything that's... I just need to keep moving forward. Ok?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.