Izzie: Oh Alex. What do you think? Looks real right? My mom sent it to me.
Alex: Ah, what are you doing here?
Izzie: Working.
Alex: Iz, we talked about this. You're supposed to be taking another 3 weeks. Really resting up.
Izzie: I have to come back now before I don't have a job to come back to.
Alex: Iz.
Izzie: I have to show people that I'm not gonna die. Unless I sit alone in that trailer for one more minute. Then I am gonna die. I'm gonna die of boredom.
Alex: Look, Izzie.
Izzie: Seriously. Looks real right? I mean if you didn't know I have cancer, you couldn't know I have cancer. Right?

Alex: Is there some kind of time line on this. Or...
Doctor: Your wife is living with cancer Dr Karev. Right now, the cancer has stopped growing. With a cancer this aggressive, that's pretty stunning success. There's not time line. There's just... we watch it. We wait. We hope it doesn't start to grow again.
Izzie: That's it?
Doctor: That's it.

Izzie: Whatcha reading?
Alex: I have this patient I'm trying to diagnose. It's driving me nuts.
Izzie: So take a break, I miss you.
Alex: I'm right here.
Izzie: No you're not. You're here, but you're not here. And I miss you.
Alex: Iz, come on. I'm trying to work.
Izzie: I'm wishing for a brain tumor. I'm wishing all the time for a giant tumor that would just press down on my brain and make me hallucinate George. So that I could talk to him again, so I could laugh with him again. I miss him so much. I miss him all the time, and I just want to feel better. Even for a minute you know, I just want to be a person who isn't wishing for a brain tumor. Just for one minute. And, I can't drink because of the cancer meds, I don't do drugs, I can't even work right now. I don't have any distractions. I'm sad, and I miss George. So please, please, come inside and help me feel better.
Alex: "I miss George". Nice. Real seductive.

Cristina: These are good! Do they sell these in the cafeteria?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: No, those are the cancer pops.
Cristina: Why do cancer people get all the fun?
Meredith: How do you feel Iz?
Izzie: I'm not looking forward to the hurling that's about to happen, but I feel ok. I feel good.
Cristina: Bailey's on some sort of rampage. I think it's Post O'Malley Stress Disorder.
Meredith: She's not dealing with her grief.
Cristina: You sound like Owen's shrink.
Meredith: Owen's shrink is withholding sex, so she is grumpy and inappropriate.
Izzie: Is Derek doing that too? Withholding sex?
Meredith: Why would Derek withhold sex?
Izzie: Alex is withholding everything. It's like he's afraid, but I don't know what afraid of.
Cristina: He's afraid of the cancer sex.
Meredith: Cristina!
Cristina: He doesn't wanna end up with a cancer pop.
Izzie: Just shut the hell up. I'm not contagious Cristina.
Cristina: I know that. I would totally have sex with you.

Alex: Woah.
Izzie: Oh my god Derek!
Derek: Hey, Hi!
Alex: Dude, get a room!
Izzie: On the stairs? Doesn't that hurt?
Meredith: Leave us alone, we're newly weds.
Izzie: A post it wedding does not make you newlyweds.
Derek: You know what... you're newlyweds too. You need your own space.
Alex: Dude, what are these?
Derek: Key's to my trailer, your new home. Enjoy.

Bailey: Ok, any pain here? Now, take a deep breath. Any dizziness when you stood up? Take a deep breath.
Izzie: No.
Bailey: Ok. You are going home. You are gonna come back in 12 days for another round of IL2 and then you have your PET scan 2 weeks after that. But, there's no need for you to keep living in this bed. You should take it easy. You are still a cancer patient, but you're no longer a surgical patient.
Izzie: Thank you Dr. Bailey. I don't know how to... thank you.
Bailey: Ah, don't forget to sign the discharge papers before you leave.

Callie: What about his heart?
Izzie: (nods)
Callie: Ok. His eyes? I know... don't wanna imagine him without his eyes.
Izzie: George would give everything. His skin, his eyes, he would give everything.

Izzie: (on phone) George, it's me. You know, I pretty much died not too long ago so I need you to call me back. Please. I know, I played the cancer card. I'm gross. Whatever.
Alex: I need to tell you something, and I need you to not panic. I need you to keep breathing. I need you to stay alive. I swear to god, I need you to stay alive. Alright?
Izzie: Ok.
Alex: O'Malley, he got in an accident. He's brain-dead.
Izzie: I'm sorry, what?

Alex: You can't tell her!
Meredith: Alex.
Alex: She coded in my arms. Out of nowhere, she died. Just... I'll tell her. I'll tell her when she gets stronger.
Izzie: (calls from her room) Alex...
Alex: You ok?
Izzie: I had a dream. He was in his uniform.
Alex: What?
Izzie: George is gonna die in the army if we don't stop him. Hand me my phone, I need my phone.

Meredith: You're laughing?
Alex: She's laughing.
Izzie: [laughing] George is dead! He's dead! They're about to put him in the ground and the priest is doing classic rock lyrics! And that girl, that redhead, is crying harder than his mother and she never even met him!
Cristina: You are far more twisted than I ever realized.

Izzie: You got married on a post-it!
Meredith: I got married on a post-it.
Cristina: You guys got married for real!
Izzie: I got cancer!
Alex: O'Malley got hit by a bus!
[all laugh hysterically]

Izzie: Get up. I mean it. Get up! Now go get a life.
Amanda: I can't.
Izzie: George was a surgeon. He had a purpose. He wanted to save lives. Now he doesn't get the chance. Now he doesn't get the chance to do anything anymore. But you do. You could go to medical school. You could hang out with your freaking friends. I don't care what you do, just go do something with your life, because you have one. You lived, and George didn't! And I know that feels horrible and shocking and terrifying, but you lived. So go live your freaking live.
Amanda: I don't know how.
Izzie: Nobody does. Nobody knows how. But God, have enough respect for George to go figure it out. Because if I see you sitting on this bench ever again, I will kick your ass from here to Sunday.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.