... even criminals don't like being on the naughty list.

She wasn't born a killer. We made her one.

I don't think my soul mate is a mouse click away.

Callen: Now, we know where to go if we need a Deeks replacement.
Sam: Can't we just get one from the pound like last time?

Callen: You know what I'm doing after we get this guy?
Sam: What's that?
Callen: I'm getting a hobby.
Sam: Maybe you should start scrapbooking our cases.

Callen: SEALs don't kill for jealousy.
Sam: But they would kill a traitor.

Callen: I'm all for going green, reducing our footprints, but if Hetty has her way we're going to be reusing our bullets.
Sam: She just wants us to recover our brass, if possible.
Callen: Reusable water bottles, no more paper towels, no more paper cups, what's next to go?
Sam: Saving the planet, G.
Callen: Don't come whining to me when she replaces our toilet paper with used post its.

Sam: (about Deeks)One of these days, I'm going to kill him.
Callen: Maybe he grows on you.
Sam: So does Ringworm.

Callen: What's the safe word?
Sam: Headlock.
Callen: Really? Use headlock in a sentence.
Sam: I wasn't planning on using it.

Sam: You were a magician once.
Callen: Not magician, illusionist.
Sam: You bought a white rabbit, G.
Callen: It came with the hat.

(Hetty approaches Callen as he is sleeping, he wakes up staring at Hetty)
Hetty: Did you catch him this time? You were twitching like a sleeping dog.
Callen: Well, you now what they say about sleeping dogs. (looks at Hetty)

Hetty: Mr. Callen, I don't take kindly to being tailed.
Callen: I'm more of a wingman than a tailman.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

Callen: If I was in charge of Operations, I wouldn't be your partner.
Sam: Talk about a win-win.

Fatima: How is everybody?
Kensi: We're good.
Fatima: How is Edward Morrison?
Sam: He's not so good. He's dead.