Callen: I'm going to cook for you.
Joelle: You can't even fry an egg
Callen: That's a good point. But you know what I can do? I can open a bottle of wine.

Rex had to have placed that thumb drive somewhere on Jo.

The guy put a gun to her head, I want to have a little talk with him.

No one ever pushed me. People push you when they care.

Hanna: You'll be working for that kid one day.
Callen: Yeah, next week!

What is a celebrity photographer doing at the home of a CIA officer?

Callen: You remember to grab your car keys back there?
Sam: Son of a bitch.
Callen: Looks like we're swimming home and walking home.
Sam: Maybe not....

What the hell are you doing there, MacGyver?

Callen: Hell of a day.
Sam: Yeah. Hell of a day.

Who's Waldo?

Callen: Something tells me you know something we don't.
Deeks: Crazy, right?

Granger: Do you have any idea what you've done?
Callen: Retrieved our technology.
Sam: Made the world a better place.
Deeks: And, looked good while doing it.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

Callen: If I was in charge of Operations, I wouldn't be your partner.
Sam: Talk about a win-win.

Fatima: How is everybody?
Kensi: We're good.
Fatima: How is Edward Morrison?
Sam: He's not so good. He's dead.