Hetty: Sorry.
Callen: No, you're not.
Hetty: No, not really.

Callen: I think he's going to be difficult to find Hetty.
Hetty: Oh, you don't say?

I just -- I got mixed emotions about it.

Callen: No, Hetty saved me. Everything I am today is because of her.
Sam: Well, you should tell her.

Callen: How do you even sleep at night?
Dallas: So you are a cop?
Callen: Even worse, a federal agent.
Dallas: You know, that's really brave of you to admit that.
Callen: Not really, 'cause now, he's gonna shoot you.

Sam: MTE!
Callen: Huh?
Sam: My thoughts exactly -- what? I text with my daughter!

Sam: G's in the wrong place.
Callen: Yeah, where do you want me?
Sam: Not you, the letter.

I'm sorry I insinuated that, I meant to be very clear.

Sam: G, I love you like a brother, but we basically have nothing in common.
Callen: Sure we do!

Callen: The way they took us out?
Sam: Well planned, well executed.
Callen: That room they kept us in?
Sam: Spent a lot of time and money.

Callen: Just like The Great Escape!
Sam: Did you even watch that movie? Half the guys got shot after they got out of the tunnel
Callen: And half the guys made it. I guess I'm a bright side type of guy.

Callen: It's a good thing one of us isn't into pumping iron.
Sam: It's a good thing one of us is into pumping iron.

NCIS: Los Angeles Quotes

Callen: If I was in charge of Operations, I wouldn't be your partner.
Sam: Talk about a win-win.

Fatima: How is everybody?
Kensi: We're good.
Fatima: How is Edward Morrison?
Sam: He's not so good. He's dead.