[to Mellie] You want to do my job? Every day you have to decide between something terrible that you hate and something horrible that you hate. Either way people are going to hate you. You need to accept that otherwise you shouldn't run.

Fitz: You went around my back to Mellie.
Olivia: I did.
Fitz: Nice move.

Jake: Won't order takeout. I have no idea how she's surviving.
Fitz: Not much of a chef.
Jake: Excellent with a corkscrew.

Is that what Olivia thinks? Does Olivia know that the President of the United States doesn't beg?

Olivia: I have been riding and dying for you. I fixed an election for you. Sacrificed everything to keep you in office, we all did. Cyrus, James, Jerry, Harrison, Mellie. Every one of us. I was your mistress because you needed me.
Fitz: And I was willing to give it all up for you.
Olivia: Which is exactly the problem.
Fitz: I tried to give up my wife for you, my office! And you backed out every time.
Olivia: Of course I did. If you gave up the Presidency, what did I do all this for? Everything we did, I did, all of it, if you gave up the Presidency it would be a waste. Everything I've sacrificed to get you here, to keep you here, so you could be the best, so you could make history, so you could be the President you were meant to be. And you were. You were the President you were meant to be and then, when the true test came along, when I was taken because of you, you go to war? You sent thousands of innocent soldiers into harms way, some of them to their deaths, for one person.
Fitz: I had to save you.
Olivia: You didn't save me. I'm on my own.

Olivia: You went to war.
Fitz: I had no choice.
Olivia: You did.
Fitz: I had no choice.
Olivia: I wanted to Vermont. Someone I used to know danced on this very spot just the other day and said I want Vermont.
Fitz: Liv--
Olivia: Let go of me.

Fitz: We have to get Olivia back, not just because I love her, not just because having her out there is a threat to national security. There are soldiers who are never coming home because I tried to get her back. Someone's father, someone's husband. I have killed so many mothers' sons trying to get her back. The flags placed on the coffins where they lay are there because they had the courage to give their lives and I did not have the courage to give Liv's, so she has to come back because their sacrifice damn well has to mean something. They cannot have died for nothing. They cannot have gone to their death for no other reason than I asked them to.
Cyrus: We will get her back. I promise you sir, I will do everything in my power to make sure we get her back.

Fitz: The CIA's confident they'll have her home within 24 hours.
Mellie: Whew. We sleep better when she's lying between us.

Fitz: You're never going to let her go, are you?
Andrew: Honestly? That depends entirely on you.

Fitz: In 24 hours I'm going to kill Olivia Pope.
Mellie: What?
Fitz: Andrew has her, somewhere. I don't know where. But if I don't send troops to West Angola, she'll be killed. It's a coup. Your boyfriend has orchestrated a bonafide American coup. And what kind of President would I be, what kind of monument, if I indulged in this war, if I sent thousands of people to their deaths to save the life of one person, no matter whot hat person is to me. I can't do that. Right? Our son died so I could stay in office, so I can't dishonor him now by giving in, negotiating with terrorists, even if it means Liv dies. I can't do it, right?
Mellie: I thought you loved her. Don't tell me we've been through all this for a cheap screw.
Fitz: I love her.
Mellie: Then you know what you have to do.

Tom: The face that launched a thousand ships.
Fitz: What?
Tom: Helen of Troy. Menelaus got her back but it took him 10 years of war. Will you launch a thousand ships to save Ms. Pope?

Andrew: So tell me, Mr. President. What's the one thing in the world that you can't live without? The one thing that you'd do everything in your power to get back?
Fitz: What did you do to her? What did you do?
Andrew: Tell me, Mr. President. How you liking that war now?

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
