To Congress! May their heads one day depart from their asses!

Olivia: No wedding dress, no flowers, and no vows. And I'm keeping my name.
Fitz: Good. Because I'm only marrying you for your money.

Olivia: We're not ready.
Fitz: You're not ready. And you never will be.

Fitz: It's good to have you back, Cy.
Cyrus: I serve at the pleasure of the President. The honor is all mine.

Mellie: I don't want us to fight anymore. If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you. Okay?
Fitz: Okay.

It's me. I know you said not to call but I just wanted you to know...I get it. All this time I've been waiting to hear from you so you could tell me what you wanted, but it's what you don't want, isn't it? You don't want this. I'm going to deny Sally's story and bring Mellie back to the White House because I don't want you to throw away your whole life just for me. I love you too much for that.

Susan: Do you think about us?
Fitz: What?
Susan: Do you think about us? The people who voted for you? America. Do you think about us when you're having an affair in the White House? In our house. Do you think about why we voted for you?
Fitz: I fell in love. Susan, I'm a flawed person, just like anyone else.
Susan: Mr. President, you don't get to be just like anyone else. That's not the job you signed up for.

[to Mellie] You have so many qualities I despise, but I do admire your brilliance. So do the math, Mel. Fighting this, fighting me, will mean both of us deploy every weapon in our arsenals. Every lie, every secret, every juror on that bus. Mutually assured destruction. We'll be ruined. Now me, I'm a war hero, governor, two-time President. My bucket list is done. You? Your biggest accomplishment so far is breathing and smiling.

Mellie: I know without a doubt that you and I together, a team, is what's best. For us. For the country. For our beautiful children. And I'm so glad you see it too.
Fitz: I'm divorcing you.

Olivia: I'm proud of you.
Fitz: Liv...I'm grateful. Thank you.
Olivia: Goodbye, Fitz.

Mellie: A story broke about a young naval officer who had been raped and now the only thing people want to ask me about is whether or not my husband is going to intervene on her behalf. Can I assume because we're not monsters that the answer is yes? Fitz?
Fitz: I can't intervene. It would send the wrong message.
Mellie: It would tell the world that we don't condone rape.

Olivia: That's why you're calling? To ask for my advice about your wife?
Fitz: I want to hear what you think.
Olivia: What I think? I think you're supposed to be an optimist.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
