Erica: Promise not to hit on me?
Mark: I can't promise that.
Callie: He can't promise that.

Erica: I'm sure whatever you're talking about is endlessly exciting, but I kind of had my mind set on saving a life today.
Alex: Sorry.

What, are we,on a date here? I was complimenting your surgical skills, Dr. Sloan. Not looking through a window into your wounded soul.

Erica: Can you make time?
Mark: Can you make time for a drink with me after?
Erica: Did I mention time is a factor here? I'm looking for a Yes or No answer.
Mark: As am I.
Erica: This may be enjoyable to you, Dr. Sloan, but I have a patient in serious condition. I came to you, because legend has it, that you're the best in plastics. But if bad jokes and sleazy come ons are all you're good for all afternoon, I'll page whoever's second best.
Mark: Dr. Hahn... I apologize. And I'll clear my schedule.
Erica: Thank you. OR 1.

Mark: What can I do for you ladies?
Brunette Girl: Tell him!
Blonde Girl: No! It's, it's embarrassing.
Mark: You can tell me.
Brunette Girl: You look exactly like her dad!
Erica: [smirks]
Richard: Swing and a miss.

Erica: Is it me or there are teenyboppers staring at you?
Mark: I get that a lot. It started when I was their age, never really went away.
Richard: Is that so?

This is going to be so much fun.

Dr. Hahn

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.