Callie: I'm not sure I'm ready to go there.
Erica: Me neither! There's lots of undiscovered territory above the belt. We can take it slow. Maybe just... first base?
Callie: [laughs] Phew! Okay. Phew.
Erica: Finish my wine. I'm going to look at the menu for a minute while your blood pressure drops back down to to normal.
Callie: Erica? Maybe second base too.

[to Meredith] I'll let you sew part of it in. You're gonna be in there, might as well get your hands dirty.

[to Meredith] You can tell Dr. Yang she's a better teacher than I would have thought. You lie to me about your experience again and the next heart you'll see will be your own as I cut it out of your chest with a steak knife.

Erica: [to Callie] Look. We don't even know what we are yet. So, how does Mark Sloan know? Why are you talking to him instead of me?
Mark: Ladies... Am I interrupting something?
Erica: Your timing is perfect.
Mark: Really? You about to feel her up?

Callie: I guess this makes us virgins, doesn't it.
Erica: I guess in a way it does!
Callie: Vir-gins. Hey, we can be scared together!
Erica: Kinda virgins. And we can be scared together.

Callie: I'm not an experimenter. I don't like to experiment.
Erica: Oh.
Callie: Then you showed up and we did it together and... the experiment was kind of a success!
Erica: Oh... oh!
Callie: Look, I've never done this before. I've never kissed a girl. I'm not sure I even like kissing girls. I don't, actually, like kissing girls. I like kissing one girl. You.
Erica: I don't have anything to compare it to. You're the only woman I've ever kissed.

Erica: I don't... make friends easily. I'm awkward and am bad at small talk and generally don't like people I don't know... but I made friends with you and now you have this thing and that thing is Sloan.
Callie: Are you mad that I'm sleeping with Mark Sloan?
Erica: I'm not mad you're sleeping with Sloan. I'm mad that you didn't tell me that you're sleeping with Sloan. I'm mad at you. Because instead of telling me and admitting that you're one of those girls who goes all pouffy when she gets a boyfriend, you disappear with your thing ... I don't make friends easily.

Erica: So are we on for tonight or what?
Callie: Um... I told you I had a thing.

Erica: (re: Preston, to Cristina) Well I guess its no surprise, his arrogance is legendary... oh well, I thought we finally had some common ground... Good for you, refusing to trash him. Rising above. It's very impressive. I'm going to follow your example, Yang.
Cristina: [silent]
Erica: Congratulations Preston, I wish you well.

Now do you want me to stay here talking to you? Or do you want me to try and save your baby's life?

Izzie: Do you want me to keep the family informed?
Erica: I want you to think like a surgeon. You're thinking like a social worker. If you wanna be a social worker you can save yourself a lot of effort because the training is two years not 12. If you wanna be a surgeon, you can update the family when the crisis has passed.

Dr. Hahn: This is gonna sound bizzare. I realize at this point that this is gonna sound bizzare, but any chance you people wanna get a drink with me?
Sloan: Why would we wanna do that?
Callie: She's saying she needs a friend.
Sloan: Okay, fine. Let's drink.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.