Vance: What was the operation in '02?
Bishop: Juniper Strike.
Vance: And?
Bishop: We only know as much as this top sheet says. While the list wasn't classified, the operation it refers to is, and since it's a joint operation, we'll need clearance from British SAS.
Vance: Gibbs?
Gibbs: I'd rather not wait, director.
Vance: Me neither. Go.
Bishop: Just to be clear, you want us to hack into the case files.
Vance: [nods]

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McGee: Good morning, Ellie.
Bishop: Good morning, Tim.

Bishop: Here we go. A homeless guy. Doesn't really look like Tony.
McGee: Give him a few years.

Tony: What's the matter?
McGee: I'm getting a call from myself.
Bishop: Answer it. See what you want.

Bishop: I was thinking. Anyone who would make you a seven-layer burrito on a weekday before work....that is love.
McGee: I was thinking the same thing.

Bishop: Petty Officer Muldoon didn't call 911 until an hour later.
Ducky: Which begs the question....
Palmer: What happened in that hour?

Bishop: If we're going to work, you got any food around here?
Gibbs: I have three TV dinners.
Bishop: No. I need some food with a little bit more food in it.
Gibbs: Then let's go get some

Valeri: Okay, Tim, just please tell him the story already.
Bishop: You haven't heard this story?
Tony: Bishop knows?
McGee: Alright, look. I'll tell you but you can't make fun of me.
Tony: I promise. My word is my bond.
McGee: Well, Val and I were each other's first kiss.
Tony: What does that have to do with the tooth?
McGee: It was allergy season and, well, I leaned in for a kiss. Got a little itch. Turned into a sneeze and I head-butted her.
Valeri: I spent the next few hours at the dentist.
Bishop: Talk about memorable.
Tony: Timothy Farragut McGee. You smooth operator.
McGee: Tony.
Tony: Thank you for honoring me with the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth.

[reading Valentine's Day card] Roses are red; they go in a bucket; Jake is a jerk; he can go suck it.

Adam: I never have pegged you for the type, Ellie.
Bishop: The type?
Adam: Ah, you know. Trade in your stats and your snacks for a badge and a gun.

Palmer: It goes without saying but, this kind of stuff effects me a lot more since become a father.
Bishop: I'm sure it does.
Palmer: I mean with this kind of evil in the world.... People who will do this kind of...How am I supposed to let Victoria leave the house.
Bishop: Pretty sure she'll leave the house eventually, whether you let her or not.

Bishop: We're about to go live. What are you guys talking about?
McGee and Tony: Star Wars.

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
