Bishop: Painting is fun!
Torres: Unless someone is posing nude, I am *not* interested.

Bishop: Mr. Rogers--
Henry Rogers: I’ve told you twice, it’s Henry! I’ve nothing in common with that sweater-wearing pacifist!

Bishop: If it did happen, and that is a big “if,” I wonder if Top Gun beach volleyball was involved, because I can totally picture Torres running around the sand in tight jeans…
Gibbs: Fantasize on your own time, Bishop!

Bishop: I’m not afraid of Gibbs.
Reeves: Well, actually, *I’m* afraid of him.

Reeves: I found Chen’s courier.
Bishop: So... you... jumped in your Winnebago to come tell me?
Reeves: No! I jumped in *his*.

Bishop: Gibbs, where are you going?
Gibbs: Overboard!

Bishop: I just don’t know how to say goodbye to him.
Reeves: Maybe you could close your eyes, and remember everything good.

Bishop: Broken refrigerators are the *worst*!
Quinn: Almost as bad as *talking* about broken refrigerators.

Bishop: Technology tantrum.
Torres: Joining my club, McGee?

Bishop: It's actually freezing.
McGee: Says the 90-pound thermostat!

Bishop: Gibbs is famous for coming in just before the weekend starts and saying--
Gibbs: Grab your gear!

Bishop: Gibbs, I was doing background on Anne Marshall and the situation she's in is completely unfair.
Gibbs: What situation?
Bishop: The only reason she can't practice law here is because West Virginia's bar doesn't reciprocate with California. So, her fifteen years of experience went to nothing just because she crossed state lines.
Gibbs: Bishop, focus on the case.
Bishop: It's not right, Gibbs. When troops fight for their country, their families do too. Anne Marshall, all the military spouses out there, who fights for them?
Gibbs: We do.
Bishop: Good, because I want to reach out to Joining Forces. It's an initiative that supports military veterans and their families. And...
Gibbs: I know what it is. I'm looking into it. I already made the call.

NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
