Friends! Help! A guinea pig tricked me!

Bender: Hey, I called this city! Quit touching my stuff!
Zoidberg: Tell it to claw.
Bender: Bite my colossal metal ass!

Alright, anteater number one, who are you protecting? Is it anteater number two? Don't stick your tongue out at me. I need a name! (An anteater makes a noise) What? How do you spell that?

Hermes: What are you hacking off? Is it my torso? It is! My precious torso!
Zoidberg: Hermes, quiet! I'm deducing things.

Police? Bah! Nosy meddlers! It so happens I have mail order degrees in Murderology and Murderonomy.

My next clue came at 4.15, when the clock stopped. And another came two hours later at 4.15, when I discovered the murdered body of Amy's dead, deceased corpse.

Zoidberg: Quiet, please. I've called you all here to the parlour to watch as I gradually solve the crime. One of the people in this room... is a big murderer! You see, the killer left one fatal clue: This boot print on the Professor's lab coat.
Leela: Uh, couldn't be me. I never wear boots. (She unzips her boots and lifts her feet onto the table) See?
Fry: Ew! What smells like boot feet?

Hermes: Sweet giant anteater of Saint Anita! The Professor's been eaten by giant anteaters!
Zoidberg: What?
Hermes: If y'ask me, it's mighty suspicious! I'm gonna call the police... right after I flush some things.

Leela: What is it?
Farnsworth: It appears that the very fabric of space-time has ripped.
Bender: Hey, look! An ugly scared guy! Boo!
Fry: Who are you monsters? Is one of you Icy Wiener?
Zoidberg: If that's his pizza, then I'm icy whatever!

What's this? Two meals in one week?

Zoidberg: So, it's just as I suspected all along. The crime is unsolvable! What's this? A letter from Bender, my good friend. Dear Dr. Jerkberg, if you're reading this, I'm already dead. The person who killed me was... was... My God! It can't be! The murderer, it was-
Fry: I'm bored. You're boring, Zoidberg. I'm gonna go watch TV.

Leela: OK, just try to be nonchalant.
Zoidberg: Alright, so you're nonchalant. Quit rubbing our noses in it.

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
