He may not be perfect, but do we really want some new guy? I'll stick with the evil maniac I know, thank you!

Someone used to care about me? Hurray!

Zoidberg: I'm afraid Fry lost a lot of juice he's developed Simpsons Jaundice.
Fry: Ay Karamba!

Zoidberg: And all we need is a little spine supplement to replace what Leela lost in that unavoidable saw mix up.
Leela: It wasn't unavoidable. You just had to stop cutting my spine when I yelled "stop you're cutting my spine!"

Fry: Look I know he's ugly and kind of corrosive, but we can't murder someone just because he's hideous and annoying.
Amy: That's what we said about Zoidberg and look where that got us.
Zoidberg: Amy has a point.

Relax friends. Panic jerks!

Dr. Zoidberg: Hey look, a fog is coming in.
Conrad: Oh, no that's just the Jamaican pride float.

Zoidberg: You're both very lucky. I'd pay anything to end my miserable loneliness. If only I weren't so desperately poor.
Bender: Wait. You mean people will pay good money for romance? Hmm. I think I have a scheme so deviously clever that I-
Scene cuts to Courtroom
Judge: $500 and time served.
Bender: Stupid anti-pimping laws!

Hermes: Fry! Amy! Put your pants back on! I need a stapler.
Zoidberg: Stop! Stop! If you interrupt the mating dance the male will become enraged and maul us with his fearsome gonad.

Amy: So, ready for a secluded picnic with just you and me?
Fry: Hey, you know who loves secluded picnics with just you and me? Uh, Dr. Zoidberg.
Zoidberg: Did someone say something about a free hot meal?

Zoidberg: Fry? Are you alright?
Fry: Ow! My head is killing me. What happened? Was anybody hurt?
Zoidberg: No, no, no, no, no, of course not. Nobody but you. I'm afraid your body was badly damaged in the crash.
Fry: How badly?
Zoidberg: That's it over there.

Zoidberg: There you are, good as new. Except for your dorsal fin. I'm afraid I couldn't find it after the crash.
Fry: Can I live without it?
Zoidberg: If you call that living.

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
