Oliver: You're playing a very dangerous game, Laurel.
Laurel: I can handle it.
Oliver: No you can't, because you haven't realized that it's not actually a game.

The Arrow: You cannot be serious.
Laurel: I am not on your team. I don't work for you.
The Arrow: Exactly. You're untrained.
Laurel: Oh. And whose fault is that?

The Arrow: We need another minute.
Ted: How do you two know each other?
Laurel: We used to date.

Oliver: I want to talk to him.
Laurel: About this case -- or me?
Oliver: Two weeks ago I said I wouldn't train you to fight. Now you have a trainer.
Laurel: Who's training me to box, to let off some steam. I think I have a pretty good reason to have some.

Nyssa: I see you've been training. And wearing her jacket.
Laurel: If you're gonna stand there and tell me I'm not strong enough or tough enough, please don't.
Nyssa: Back at the cemetery I would have, but since you have reminded me that the strongest metal is forged in the hottest fire.
Laurel: And what's that supposed to mean?
Nyssa: Don't forget to turn your hips. That's where the power comes from.

Oliver: I'm not a killer anymore Laurel.
Laurel: But Merlyn is. He killed Tommy and 502 other innocent people. How many more people are going to have to die before you put him down?
Oliver: Do you think that's what your sister would want?
Laurel: Yes. I do.

Laurel: I know that it probably sounds insane. It probably is, but Sara, she gave me this and when I wear it, it makes me want to help people like she did. Like she's alive again.
Oliver: I get it. Sara had training. She had years...
Laurel: Oliver, I know. Which is why I need to start and I need your help.
Oliver: No.
Laurel: Oliver.
Oliver: No. NO. I, I want you to consider what would happen to your father if something happened to you.
Laurel: Oliver, ever since it happened, I have had this fire inside of me that I can't get rid of with booze or pills. I need another way and the other night, even though it went wrong, it was the first time since Sara died that I haven't felt that fire.
Oliver: I'm sorry. I can't. And even if I could, Sara would never forgive me.

There was just something I needed to work out. I know that the world isn't fair. I know it's a terrible place where people deserve to get punished and they don't. I just, for just one night, I needed the world to be different.

Ollie, it's not fair! We just got her back. It's not fair!

You catch 'em, I cook 'em. Oh! Did I say that too loud?

Lady: Who was that?
Laurel: That's the Canary.

If you're so far gone and so irredeemable, then why would they know you by such a beautiful name?