Arrow: What do you think you're doing?
Black Canary: Your job, apparently!

Black Canary: Sara, Sara, please. I'm your sister.
Canary: Then why are you trying to take my place?!

Roy: You ready? It's OK to say you're scared.
Laurel: OK. I'm scared. Is what we're doing crazy?
Roy: I've learned it's better to ask that question when I'm not wearing a mask.

Roy: Us? What, are you and Laurel a team now?
Felicity: I was wrong when I said Oliver's mission was over because it's not just Oliver's mission anymore. It's ours. It's our home that is under attack.
Laurel: For all we know, Oliver could be dead and Sara certainly is, but there are people that are still alive. People who need us.

Laurel: So you don't have to worry. I'm not going to be putting on that mask again. I'm not strong enough to fight for Sara.
Felicity: Maybe you're not supposed to. Maybe it's not about Sara, or Oliver or anyone else that we care about who we lost. Maybe what we're doing, we've been doing because there are people that we care about that are still alive. Maybe we're doing it for them.
Laurel: I thought you quit.

Roy: What the hell do you think you're doing out there?
Laurel: Same thing as you.
Roy: I've had training from Oliver and years on the streets. You have a law degree.

Thug: Who the hell are you?
Black Canary: I'm the justice you can't run from.

Diggle: He's not coming back, Oliver. I know you don't want to believe it, Laurel, God knows I don't but, he's not coming back.
Laurel: Are you? Are you coming back?
Diggle: I don't know. For the first time since I met Oliver Queen I don't know what happens next. I know it's silly, but I still like to think of myself as Oliver's bodyguard. I just couldn't protect him. It's funny. He was worried something would happen to me.

This isn't the first time I've heard that Oliver is dead. He's been back before. He'll be back again.

Laurel: Mom, can I tell you something? Whoever killed Sara, I'm going to find them no matter what it takes and I am going to make them pay.
Dinah: Then you make them pay. And you make them suffer.

I want you to give me the tools to avenge my sister's death. I want you to teach me how to get justice outside of a courtroom.

Oliver: When I said I wouldn't train you, I was trying to protect you. But a homicidal former vigilante apprentice was not what I had in mind.
Laurel: I know you're trying to protect me, Ollie, but I'm not helpless.
Oliver: I've never seen you that way. But. Laurel, I'm always gonna watch out for you. And it's not because I think you're helpless, it's because I care about you.