If the only way to save Sara is to kill you, then that's no cure at all.

Lance: Sara's my daughter.
Laurel: Then why did I find you with a gun pointed at her head?

Oliver: Why didn't you come to me with this?
Laurel: Come to you with what? Your expertise with magical resurrection or that judgmental look on your face?

I'm sorry about what happened to Thea. I really am. I love your family, I always have. I just wish that sometimes you would give a damn about mine.

So why didn't you tell me about Thea seven months ago? Because you don't see me as an equal.

New frequency, same cry.

Laurel: What did Thea think you weren't wearing?
Felicity: I have no idea.

Diggle: I would think you. of all people, would understand keeping secrets when it comes to the death of a sibling.
Laurel: I do. And because I do, I can tell you carrying a burden like that never ends in any way but bad.

Oliver: He left behind evidence.
Diggle: Fingerprints.
Laurel: How'd you get the owner to part with his windshield?
Oliver: I bought his truck. It's one of the benefits of your girlfriend inheriting a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. We have money now.

Laurel: We need the Arrow.
Oliver: The Arrow's dead.
Laurel: We're hoping that's not the case. We're hoping that you can't change who you are in your bones.

Felicity: I can't believe he's gonna marry her.
Malcolm: You should worry more about getting out of here alive.
Ray: Is that even a remote possibility?
Laurel: Oliver would never let that happen.
Diggle: He let this happen.

Diggle: There's only one thing left of him now.
Laurel: And what's that?
Diggle: Us.
Thea: Gone but not forgotten.