[to Conrad and Victoria] I know ruining lives in in your DNA, but I'm not allowing another innocent person to pay the price for our sins.

[to Conrad and Victoria] All part of the plan? Exactly how much blood are you two comfortable, because I just hit my limit.

Daniel: How are we gonna live with this?
Victoria: Like we always do. We go about our lives as if nothing ever happened.
Daniel: And what about Amanda Clarke?
Victoria: Poor girl. She chose the wrong enemy.

Daniel: You think we'll ever get back to being the people we once were?
Emily: Maybe. Just not tonight.

How about a million dollar nightcap?

It was a nice reminder of how passionate Emily Thorne could be.

The depths you two will go to stay in power are shameless.

Daniel: [to Victoria] You're going public?
Conrad: She's going nuclear.

Victoria: News hounds won't stop until they get my story.
Daniel: What exactly is your story?

You'd think a million dollars would trump anyone's sense of self righteousness.

My parents raised me to be a Grayson. To put my name above everything including the truth.

So much for your stand up image. Were you just going to let them fry me?

Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
