Daniel: You think you know everything, don't you?
Jack: Yeah, I do. Now pick yourself up and get the hell out of my bar.

You don't think I've sacrificed? All I have ever done is sacrifice for everyone and I have lost the one person who meant anything to me, who never lied to me, who loved me!

[to Sara] The moment I saw you in the bakery, all the feelings I once had came rushing back and I fell in love with you again.

[to Sara] It took until today to realize that Emily and my mother are the same person and I do not want to marry my mother.

Victoria: Gather around everyone. We're going to play a little game. Conrad, Daniel, come here!
Daniel: Since when does my mother play games?

[to Emily] Lately I've been feeling like I'm just playing a role in a story you're writing.

[to Emily] I've been busting my ass trying to make this magazine into something for our future because I knew this time around the only way we were going to make it is if I stood on my own. But tonight, when you didn't show up, I realized I'm the only one fighting for us.

Daniel: You questioned the type of man I am in print and to my face.
Emily: Sorry I questioned you. If I had a family, I'd do anything to protect them.

[to Margaux] You said you've been pushed around by men your whole life? Well, I've been pushed around by women, so I get it. We both have something to prove.

Daniel: Why do I even care? My parents are rotten human beings who continually disappoint me and yet I have this inane need to protect them.
Emily: Because despite everything they're your family. And when someone comes along and threatens that bond you'll do anything to defend it.

Victoria: Don't be cruel, Daniel. You and I have both made mistakes. The difference is I don't make them twice.
Daniel: Except bastard children, I guess.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Emily. But only if you want the same.

Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
