Blair: That was your agent. She wants you to reconsider the program in Rome. Which is odd, because you told me they went with someone else.
Dan: Ah, well, yesterday when you ended up with Chuck I was a little nervous about leaving for the whole summer. And I know you told me there were other people there and it was not romantic, but... come on. It's Chuck.
Blair: So you lied to me.
Dan: I figured you would just think I was some jealous freak if I told the truth.
Blair: Well maybe because you are. But you don't have to be. You have nothing to worry about. Take the offer. It's an amazing opportunity and I would never stand in the way of it.
Dan: It means the entire summer apart.
Blair: But it's not like I can't come visit. Rome is just two glasses of chardonnay away.

Dan: I need your photographic memory and your passion for social upheaval to help me write the book about the Upper East Side. The book I should have written from the beginning.
Georgina: Hm. Nothing like a scorned lover to scorch the earth. I can hardly wait.

Georgina: Dan Humphrey. Come to whisk me away for a rendez vous under the Tuscan sun. You're lucky you're on my free pass list otherwise Phillip might have put up a fuss.
Dan: This invitation isn't about seduction, Georgina. It's about scandal.
Georgina: Can't a girl have both?

Serena: I'm sorry for how it happened, but I love you Dan. And I don't think that you would have done what you did if you didn't still have feelings for me. And now there's nothing standing in the way of us.
Dan: Serena, there is no us. There's only you. And now that our parents are splitting up I never have to see you again.

Dan: I'm busy.
Serena: I never meant for you to get caught in the crossfire of my battle with Blair. I deleted the video so no one knows about it and no one got hurt. And please don't act like you're innocent here. I mean it was mutual. We both used each other.
Dan: I was trying to escape my own pain and you were trying to destroy your best friend. Those are two different things.

I don't know who you are anymore.

Dan: Blair I told you I loved you and you pretended like you didn't even hear me.
Blair: Dan, let's just put all that behind us.
Dan: See, you're doing it again. Do you even want to be in this relationship?
Blair: Of course!
Dan: Is the reason you can't say you love me because you're still in love with Chuck?
Blair: No.
Dan: Then I need to know how you feel about me. By tonight.
Blair: Dan—
Dan: We're supposed to be spending the summer in Italy together and I don't want you coming unless we know where we stand.

Dan: So what do you want to do?
Serena: I want to finish what Diana started. I want to take Gossip Girl down for good.
Nate: I'm with you. I think we should use The Spectator to do it.

Dan: You were right. She didn't need my confession, she needed my help.
Serena: Wow. That's a really amazing thing to do, Dan.
Dan: Yeah well. It wasn't easy. But I do think that I can give myself a new ending by making sure Chuck and Blair get the ending they deserve. I want her to be happy.

Dan: What do you really want?
Blair: To be happy. But I don't think I know how to anymore.
Dan: Well I think I know how to make you happy.

Blair: It's decided.
Dan: Chuck?
Blair: Nope. Apparently there are some risks even Chuck Bass isn't willing to take. So. Problem solved.

Serena: Telling her your feelings is not going to change your ending, it's just going to mess with hers.
Dan: Well listen, the fact is, this doesn't concern you at all. I'm going to talk to Blair. And even if it's the biggest kami kaze disaster of my life, it's my disaster—it's my ending. So please, stay out of it.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.