She doesn't know me. Nobody knows me. It's cool. It's fine.

Dan; You're no one until you're talked about.

He's the center of the Bass family and a personal inspiration to me. Please welcome, Chuck Bass.

Dan: Think they hate me?
Georgina: They fear you. Welcome to the Upper East Side.

I can't think of any reason to hold back.

Dan: Hey. I love you. You know that, right?
Blair: I do now.

Blair: Did you find your inspiration?
Dan: Yes. But the only problem is it's in Rome.

Blair: You know after my theatrics at the Young Lions Club, it's time I quit my moping. And get back in touch with what it truly means to be the Blair Waldorf.
Dan: That's right. OGB. Original Gangsta Blair.
Blair: Exactly. I need to find that Blair again. And what better place to look for her than at the Met, surrounded by some of my favorite paintings.
Dan: You better not meet any princes this time.
Blair: You don't need to worry, believe me. I'm done with fairy tales. It's time to be real again.

Dan: I understand why you did what you did today, but I need to know for me — for us — what is really happening here.
Blair: There is nothing I want more than to spend the summer right by your side.

Dan: Do you really want to spend the entire summer with me in Rome? Chuck's dad is alive. That is going to change his world deeply.
Blair: His, yes. But not mine.

Dan: Where the hell is Blair? If she didn't want to go to Rome with me she should have just said so.
Serena: Something came up.
Dan: Is she with Chuck?
Serena: No, of course not. She's with Eleanor. But she knows how important this is and she really wants to go. So she sent me in her place.
Dan: You're not really helping.
Serena: I don't know. He just said we made an interesting couple.
Dan: Not in a good way.

Dan: You don't think this is too much? I mean it's just an interview with one person.
Blair: Well we want to impress him, right?
Dan: I think they're just trying to make sure we're a sane, stable couple. I guess they've had some trouble in the past. Apparently Padma Lakshmi and Salman Rushdie broke up during their stay and it caused all kinds of drama.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.