You're going to laugh for me one day. You have to.

You're not even a day old and you have me wrapped around your finger. And I love you.

You're not awful. You're perfect. And you will raise them to be just like you.

Cooper: Girls are awesome!
Charlotte: What the hell am I going to do with girls?!

Charlotte: We told Mason he's having three siblings.
Cooper: Then Mason's having three siblings.

Blood doesn't make family. Love does.

We are badass. We are a badass family unit. You, me, the triplets and Charlotte. Nothing's going to change that.

Chicken soup has sustained my people for centuries.

Drugs are bad. They make my tongue feel like cheese.

My swimmers beat the big bad, IUD. Seriously, I'm like Michael Phelps.

Charlotte: Take your pants off.
Cooper: Awesome!

Cooper: I never said thank you for everything you did... for Erica, and what you did for Mason.
Charlotte: Don't say that.
Cooper: Why, I mean it.
Charlotte: You don't thank me for any of that. It's what you do.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches