This kid that you raised... My God, he's amazing.

The only reason I've been getting through this is because I know that whatever happens, I have you.

I love medicine!

Being a parent, a good parent... that is an all day, every day job, and every single day.

Life is full of failure. It's how we learn.

Jake: What is this? Fantasy football?
Cooper: Fantasy sperm ball.

I am your dad and I'm not going anywhere.

The minute I saw him I knew. I mean... he's a Mini Cooper.

Jake: It's how I make my living. I'm in the business of knowing women.
Cooper: It kind of makes you sound like a pimp though.

You're the one that's suffering. And ending her life won't end your suffering. It won't make it better. That's crossing an uncross-able line, and it'll destroy you. You're her father. And your only job is to love your daughter as much time as she has left and that will help her. Loving her helps her. And we will be there every step of the way.

Charlotte: I'm lucky to have you, Coop. I don't want it to ever seem like I take you for granted.
Cooper: I can't take anything for granted.

Cooper: I think it's a mistake for us to do this. Everyone out there, they're miserable. Our parents don't think it's going to work. The practice is falling apart. Everyone is fighting. I don't care what anybody thinks or how they feel - not today.
Charlotte: I don't understand.
Cooper: All that matters is you and me. And the rest of them, they don't have to agree or to like it or to like each other because this is not for them or about them.

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches