Conrad: I should've known you'd be like this.
Belly: What do you mean?
Conrad: Forget it.
Belly: No, say it, tell me.
Conrad: I knew it was a bad idea starting something with you.
Belly: I don't believe you.
Conrad: It was a huge mistake.
Belly: I hate you.
Conrad: Good.
Belly: And I don't want to see you again.

Conrad: I'm sorry.
Belly: I know this is hard with everything going on, but please don't shut me out.
Conrad: I feel like I keep disappointing you.
Belly: You haven't, and you aren't.
Conrad: I have; all I've done today is disappoint you, and you don't deserve that.

Belly: Conrad pushes people away when he needs them the most.
Jeremiah: It's only so many times I can take being pushed. It's fucking exhausting.

Why does he still have this pull on me? I don't want to see him, and I can't wait for it all at the same time.

Belly Voiceover

Conrad: Jer, the house has been put up for sale.
Belly: What do you mean the house is for sale?
Conrad: What is she doing here?

Conrad: We should probably...
Belly: No, no. Dont stop.

Belly: When Susannah was sick, I was so focused on Conrad and on being there for him, and I should've been there for you, too, okay? And I forgot about you, and I hate myself for that. I hate myself--I hate that I let you down.
Jeremiah: It happened so fast, Belly. It was really, really bad. I had Dad and Conrad, sort of, but I needed you, but you just weren't there. you left me.
Belly: Hey, I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere.

Conrad: Do you want to be with him?
Belly: Being with you is all I ever wanted.

Jeremiah: I was just the distraction to keep you busy while you waited for Conrad. I'm glad it finally happened for you Belly. Great timing; it's not like my mom has cancer or anything.
Belly: Jer, I didn't want to hurt you; you're one of my best friends.
Jeremiah: No, you don't get to call me that.
Belly: You don't mean that.
Jeremiah: I, can you please get out? Just so you know, he's going to break your heart.

I wasn't in Cousins. Conrad and I weren't together, and Susannah was dead. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Belly Voiceover

The Summer I Turned Pretty Quotes

Conrad: Do you want to be with him?
Belly: Being with you is all I ever wanted.

I wasn't in Cousins. Conrad and I weren't together, and Susannah was dead. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Belly Voiceover