Conrad: I hate the thought of you looking back on the night that we spent here together and regretting what we did.
Belly: Of course, it hurts to think about that night. But I don't regret it. I don't regret any of the nights we spent together. I loved you, and I know you loved me too.
Conrad: If I could go back and do things differently, I would.
Belly: Conrad, it's okay. I mean, we both hurt each other a lot.
Conrad: And I don't ever want to hurt you again.
Belly: I don't want to hurt you again either. And I don't know if it's something we can control, but we can try. Friends?

The only mistake I made was thinking that you would help. Susannah would never forgive you for abandoning her boys! She would never even believe...

Mommy, I need you. I'm at the summer house. Susannah's house, except it's not hers anymore, and everything is going wrong, and the boys may never speak to each other again; just come please, okay? Just come and fix it.

Everything is wrong. I promised Susannah that I wouldn't lose the magic, but it's gone.

Belly Voiceover

Belly: I thought that we loved each other.
Conrad: we did.
Belly: I guess not enough.

Conrad: I'm not leaving you, Belly.
Belly: But you already did. Why didn't you tell me you went to Jeremiah about us? Why? Why?
Conrad: I don't know!
Belly: If I had known. If I had known that you did that you cared that much about me and about us if I had known that I would've fought for you I would've fought for us. At the prom, at the funeral, I would've been there for you through everything.

Belly: I've been trying to figure out how to say it, how to apologize for that day, Susannah's funeral.
Conrad: Belly, you don't have to apologize.

Belly: Why don't you want to kiss me?
Jeremiah: Because if I kiss you, I don't know that I can ever stop.

He made it so hard not to love him. When he was sweet like this, he made me remember why I did, used to love him, I mean.

Belly Voiceover

Jeremiah: It's okay to be scared.
Belly: ESP tell you that?
Jeremiah: No, your face did. Hey, don't worry, I'm right there with you, okay?
Belly voiceover: Jeremiah is always there when I need him.

I didn't know it then, but I was already losing him.

Belly Voiceover

The call came early in the morning. I should've known it was bad news. Bad news is the only news that can never wait.

Belly Voiceover

The Summer I Turned Pretty Quotes

Conrad: Do you want to be with him?
Belly: Being with you is all I ever wanted.

I wasn't in Cousins. Conrad and I weren't together, and Susannah was dead. Nothing would ever be the same again.

Belly Voiceover