Haley: (throws drink in Rachel's face, then backhands her) That is for getting me fired. And that is for trying to sleep with my husband.
Rachel: Bitch, you're lucky you're pregnant!
Haley: Honey, YOU'RE lucky that I'm pregnant!! I think its time you get your insecure, cheating, skank ass out of this house RIGHT NOW!
Skills: Yo ma I think it's time for you to leave.

Skills: Don't look now, Mouth, but Shelly all up in here right now.
Mouth: Where?
Skills: 12 o'clock and closing fast.
Mouth: Okay, on the count of three we're out of here. ready? Three.

Damn, Nate mom like the alcoholic Easter bunny.

Peyton: So what do you guys need this music for anyway?
Skills: Well, me and Nathan... Let's just say we entered a dance contest.
Peyton: Wait.. Nathan Scott? No way! What aren't you telling me?
Skills: Let's just say you gotta show some skin to win.
Peyton: You guys are stripping?! Shut up! Please can I tell Lucas?
Skills: Better than that.. Why don't you tell some girls, because the way he move we're gonna need all the home cooking we can get.

Nathan: So how naked do we have to get?
Skills: See, I knew you would come around.

Lucas: Look, you know what Skills? For a long time I thought that maybe we'd be something more. It just never seemed to work out, you know? So, at a certan point you just gotta face the fact that it's not meant to be.
Skills: Even if she wants more?
Lucas: She's just a little confused. She's had a hard year and I happened to be her rescuer a few times.
Skills: So maybe you the one who's confused! Cause you didn't just happen to rescue her a few times. You didn't just happen to run into the school that day or save her from Pscyho-Derek. Peyton happened to be there, but you chose to be there. So, maybe you gotta think about that.

Skills: You said "Oh!"? Hold on. Peyton says "I'm in love with you" and you say "Oh"? Nice work player!
Lucas: She caught me by surprise, what was I supposed to say, huh?
Skills: Not "Oh". Ok, what else did you say?
Lucas: Uh... I mumbled something about us being friends and then I left.
Skills: And you believe that? That you and P. Sawyer are just friends!?

Lucas: Skills, this is Peyton's brother, Derek.
Skills: Damn... who would've guessed that Peyton's brother... was a brother.
Derek: Lance Corporal Sommers.
Skills: Big Daddy Skills.

Skills: So let me get this straight, you and Peyton just friends right?
Lucas: Uh-huh.
Skills (holds up pair of ladies underwear): I wish I had friends like that.

Lucas: Remember my first day as a Raven?
Skills: Yeah, you played like crap. I remember walking around for a whole week talking 'bout "man, I gotta take me a Lucas."

Peyton: Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know, it's the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who's standing next to you?
Lucas: Umm, Kate Bosworth.
Peyton: Luke, come on, it could be anybody you know. Your mom, Haley...
Skills: Your boy Skills.
Peyton: Who's it gonna be?
Lucas: Brooke.
Peyton: Alright, if that's what you really want, then I have a way for you to get her back.

Lucas: I love Brooke, Skills.
Skills: I know you love her. So what, you gonna try and get her back?
Lucas: Yeah.
Skills: Hmm... I'm not too sure that's the way to do it, but hey. (to Peyton): Wassup home wrecker!?

One Tree Hill Quotes

Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.