Minister: Lucas Eugene Scott, do you take Lindsey Evelyn Strauss to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you...
Peyton: Lucas, you can't!
Skills: That's what I'm talking about!

Peyton: Okay. How about this? How about Peyton puts on a nice dress, watches Lucas get married, gets wasted and has drunk, meaningless sex with some guy at the reception?
Brooke: Yes.
Skills: Hey, baby, I ever tell you how sexy you look in that dress? Maybe we should head in.
Brooke: Behave, or I will smack you.

Skills: How about this? I say we drug Lindsey first, even though I love her. Then we throw you in the wedding gown, so when Lucas lift up the veil. Bam! It's on.
Brooke: Um, skills? That gown is tailor-made, so, no. And Peyton is gonna be okay.
Skills: Right. You know I love you, P. Sawyer, right? But, baby girl, you are so far from okay, man, you ain't even in the same area code. Wait. Maybe Lucas will say the wrong name on the altar just like Ross did on Friends.

Brooke: They don't do that at real weddings, Skills.
Skills: They should, though. You know, that's good drama.

Skills: So, what up, P. Sawyer? You got a plan?
Peyton: A plan for what?
Skills: To steal Lucas back. Oh, so I'm the only one thinking like that, huh? Ok, look. Here's the drill. When they say,'does anybody have any reason that this thing shouldn't go down?' Bam! That's you.

Nathan: You said he asked you stuff. What else did you tell him?
Skills: Nothing much. Just the truth.
Nathan: Like?
Skills: The man killed Tupac and Biggie, never date girls named Bevin, and Santa Claus is black.

Skills: So what do you want to do today?
Jamie: I don't know, play I guess.
Skills: Yeah, me too.
Jaime: Don't you have a job?
Skills: What are you? The man? I don't see you paying any rent.
Jaime: That's because I don't have any money
Skills: Whatever makes two of us. Now let's just go over the drill. If we see any hot chicks today, who are you?
Jaime: I'm an orphan who needs surgery and you're paying for it 'cuz you're rich.
Skills: Good man.

(singing) If u wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends ...(Lucas gives him a look) What? It's catchy


Skills: Drink baby, drink.
Bevin: I don't want to drink. I just wanted to be upside down.

Peyton: And Lucas admit it, you wanted to see the "Elvis" sandwich too, didn't you?
Lucas: Fine! I wanted to see the "Elvis" sandwich okay? But that still doesn't change the fact that we haven't a single car pass by since we stopped.
Brooke: Eh... um...
Lucas: Until now.
Nathan: It's a bus.
Brooke: It's a tour bus.
Peyton: Oh please be the Foo Fighters!
Skills: Please be Kanye.

Haley: Okay, Karen and I made sandwiches and I got chips and drinks and we're all set.
Skills: I brought red vines, you can't have a road trip without red vines.
Lucas: I brought some old yearbooks, thought it might give us a laugh. What'd you bring Nate?
Nathan: I brought Haley, who brought the food. Brooke?
Brooke: I brought my hot body and Rachel's Denali. She might have left but at least we got her car.
Haley: You sure it's not stolen? Oh, wait that's only calculus exams.
Nathan: My girl's not a big Rachel fan. Peyton, what did you bring?
Peyton: Road mix.

Peyton: (reading text message) Honey Grove, Texas. Need ass.
Brooke: I don't get it; he left with Rachel, why would he need ass?
Lucas, Nathan and Skills: ASSISTANCE!

One Tree Hill Quotes

Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.