Narrator: The new hatchlings are known as fry.
Amy: What's your name?
Fry: I don't have a name, I'm a salmon!

Amy: Finally, a uniform I'd be happy to be caught dead in!
Zoidberg: And boy does it wick away moisture! Gallons and gallons of it!

Amy: Don't worry, Mom! You can always come live with me!
Inez Wong: No we can't! Who you think been paying your rent?
Amy: What's rent?

This is why you never see a poor person with millions of dollars.

Amy: They never made wise use of the land. When my ancestor Reginald Wong landed here, they had no bingo parlors and only one prostitute.
Bender: Pathetic!

Zoidberg: Ah yes, better. A lonely weekend in my dumpster with a jar of pennies and tears.
Amy: Sounds good. See you Monday!

Amy: Um, Zoidberg, maybe Vegas isn't the best place for people like you.
Zoidberg: What? It's full of fat guys in sandals.

I'm kind of a harpoon snob, and let me say, that thing is gorgeous.

Leela: Amy, remember when we tried out for the Rockettes?
Amy: And we failed because we accidentally kicked those two Rockettes to death? Yeah, why do you bring that up? Oh!

This is hard! Now I know why butterflies are always so grouchy!

It's when women are polite to each other that you know there's a problem.

Amy: I love your boots, Leela! Nobody would ever guess they're knockoffs!
Leela: How could you tell?
Amy: I guessed!

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
