Amy: Aww, Bender. Didn't your mom ever tell you where babies come from?
Bender: No, my mom was a religious fundamentalist. Plus, she didn't have a mouth. It's an unusual combination.

Leela: Uh, Fry. You're glowing like the Human Torch on prom night.
Amy: Shouldn't you be standing on a rocky post somewhere preventing shipwrecks?
Fry: Nice. Hate me because of the brightness of my skin.

Watch it ya stumble bums, you're booping my Betty.

Fry: Look I know he's ugly and kind of corrosive, but we can't murder someone just because he's hideous and annoying.
Amy: That's what we said about Zoidberg and look where that got us.
Zoidberg: Amy has a point.

Amy: It's so huge. How big does one of those things get?
Fry: Well, that depends on what one of those things is. That seems like a fact worth knowing.

Hermes: Zoidberg was popular?
Amy: Zoidberg had hair?

Professor: Let's get down to business.
Amy: Aren't you gonna say "good news everyone"?
Professor: Oh, I just said that for Fry's benefit. Made the poor fella feel better about his pointless job.

Colossal tooth whitener, mega deodorant, humongous acne cream, aww and one regular sized condom.

So that's where baby sweaters come from!


Professor: Everyone look at my new latest invention.
Amy: I like how it's not killing us so far.

Attention passengers please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete crash.

Fry: You're using an awful lot of makeup there.
Amy: This is deodorant.
Fry: What does it do?

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
