Alex: You'll be okay.
Meredith: Me? This is about you. You think this is noble, what you're doing? It isn't. It's giving up. And it's buying into everything you've ever said about yourself, and I won't let you do it.
Alex: You'll be fine.
Meredith: You are not going to jail.
Alex: You'll be just be fine.
Meredith: Stop making this about me. Stop using me as an excuse to make yourself feel better. Of course I will be be fine. I'm always fine. Don't you know that? This is about you. You will be destroyed. Your life, your career, everything... will be finished. Who you are will be gone.

Alex: Don't go anywhere, no matter what happens, okay?
Jo: I don't want him to find me. He can't find me.
Alex: This is your life. You're Jo Wilson. You belong here.

Alex: I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Jo: Alex, you've said that. I know.
Alex: I mean for the things I said. You're not trash. Don't ever let anyone say that. I'm sorry, and I.... you're not trash, Jo.

Alex: You're freaking out because you got some sword hanging over your head? Me too, and I can't do a damn thing about it except wait. You can fix your stupid sword. Go home and get the friggin' execution over with.
Amelia: I did. I told him. The sword fell.

Alex: They're gonna overhaul the program because I beat up DeLuca.
Meredith: Everything isn't about you. That doesn't even make sense.
Alex: A teacher beat up a student.
Meredith: Oh, that makes sense.

Nothing's as bad as broccoli.

I thought I was special because I went to med school. I guess you can't wash the stink off trash.

You know what, forget it. It's like I said... you can't help it. It's not your fault. It's easy for you to throw people away and just move on when things are bad. It's not you, it's the way you were raised or not raised. I wanted to marry you. I was asking you for something you're not capable of. I should've known better.

It's all supposed to be with you. I thought you got that. I didn't think I needed to say it. So when I say I can't say no to my friend, it doesn't mean I'm saying no to you.

Meredith: I hurt her feelings, and she's mad at me. I forgot I'm supposed to be her sister.
Alex: You're a complete tool sometimes.
Meredith: I've heard.

There ought to be some rule, you know? People who have been in a plane crash can't work on one.

You want to be a mess, be a mess. I don't care. I can take it.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.