Alex: you know you were an intern balling an attending once.
Meredith: You kiss my kids with that mouth?

Alex: Find something to play with. Get your yayas out and leave me alone.
Cristina: Like battery-operated?
Alex: No, human.
Cristina: Human sex toy?
Alex: You asked.

Alex: I can have sex!
Cristina: Are the hydraulics not working? I can write a script.

I'm damaged goods or something.

I'm in love with an intern out there but I won't tell her.

Who would've thought Kepner would find someone as dorky as she is?

Alex: She's not my girlfriend.
Cristina: Whatever, you love her.
Alex: She's my friend.
Cristina: You sound so stupid when you say that.
Alex: She's moving in with him. What do you want me to do?
Cristina: Punch him and take back the girl.

I won't call the guy a d-bag. Not to his face anyway.

Hey, you seen super douche around?

Alex: You think this kid makes you look good.
Jackson: I always look good.

For the millionth time, Jo and I are not into each other.

That girl turned me into a suicide risk.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.