Rusty Crandall

Reverend Rusty Crandall is one of the 15 suspects in the killer's murder game on Murder in Small Town X.

Burying Bodies

Someone has dug up Leita Rose-Blodgett's deceased husband from his marked grave on Murder in Small Town X.

Lambert vs. DeBeck

Why are the two most powerful men in Sunrise, Maine fighting? There is a power struggle coming on Murder in Small Town X.

Hidden Motive

G.D. Thibodeaux might have more of a reason to want Nate Flint dead than he previously let on Murder in Small Town X.

Group Assignments

Kristen is having her turn assigning the players to one of the three tracks on Murder in Small Town X.

Confronting Connor

It's time for the investigators to confront Prudence Connor about the affair photos on Murder in Small Town X.

Bloody Fridge

Why does G.D. Thibodeaux have a bloody fridge in his home? Could it be the blood that belongs to Carmen Flint on Murder in Small Town X?

Kristen's Revenge - Tall

After surviving the killer's game, Kristen was awarded the title of Lifeguard. Now, she's taking charge on Murder in Small Town X.

Kristen's Revenge

After surviving the killer's game, Kristen was awarded the title of Lifeguard. Now, she's taking charge on Murder in Small Town X.

Linens vs. Shower Curtains

Kristen was positive that it was shower curtains the bodies were wrapped in until the linens were discovered on Murder in Small Town X Season 1.

X-Ray & Prudence Connor

X-Ray is the town cab driver and Prudence Connor is the town mechanic. They are suspects on Murder in Small Town X Season 1.

The Investigators' War Room

For Murder in Small Town X Season 1, the investigators will have their dedicated base in town where they'll work and live.

Reality TV Quotes

Very disappointed. Personally, I really don’t want to come back. I’d rather face the killer than backstabbers. At least I know what the motives are behind the killer.


[To Andy] If I make it back here, your ass is grass! And I’ve made sure of that.
