Overnight Watch

Angel and Katie have to stay overnight in the woods to find Abby Flint's car on Murder in Small Town X.

Surveillance Van

Jeff, Stacey, and Lindsey have to watch Jimmy Tinker all night to find Abby Flint's van on Murder in Small Town X.

Leita Rose-Blodgett Cleared

The group has successfully cleared Leita Rose-Blodgett as a suspect during the killer's question on Murder in Small Town X.

Alan Lifeguard

The next Lifeguard in the War Room is Alan. Who will he choose as his choice on Murder in Small Town X?

Frank Kovick

The town reporter has ambushed Stacey and Lindsey in the van. He has some information on Murder in Small Town X.

Suspicious Mayor

There's something about Mayor Emmerson Bowden that the players don't trust. What is he hiding on Murder in Small Town X?

Tracking Jimmy Tinker

The latest investigation has set its sights on Jimmy Tinker, Abby Flint's boyfriend. The group must place a tracker on him on Murder in Small Town X.

Katie Confessional

Katie is sharing a confessional about the mystery happening in town and her competitors on Murder in Small Town X.

Mayor Emmerson Bowden - Tall

The mayor of Sunrise, Maine is Emmerson Bowden. The taxidermist is one of the 15 suspects on Murder in Small Town X.

Mayor Emmerson Bowden

The mayor of Sunrise, Maine is Emmerson Bowden. The taxidermist is one of the 15 suspects on Murder in Small Town X.

Missing Body

Where has Oscar Blodgett's body gone? Angel and Andy dug up his grave on Murder in Small Town X, but it's missing.

Cleared X-Ray

The investigators are successful in their mission and reveal X-Ray isn't the killer on Murder in Small Town X.

Reality TV Quotes

Alan: [About G.D. Thibodeaux] I’ll tell you what I’m gonna go. I’m gonna go down there and talk to him.
Lindsey: No, no, no, no!
Alan: I’ve got to. I’ve got to! You sit here where you’re fine.
Lindsey: That is not fine. How do you and I know the killer is not in here?!
Alan: Because you’re around too many people.
Lindsey: No, no, no, no. Please, don’t!
Alan: I’m gonna go talk to him.
Lindsey: No, that is not a good idea!
Alan: I think it’s … where’s Drew? Hey Drew!
Lindsey: No. No! He could be the killer!

Leita Rose-Blodgett: It is not a done deal. I have not decided about selling this land, and I am not for it at the moment.
[Back at the house]
Brian: So, if she ends up with a toe tag, I wouldn’t be surprised.