Randall And Rebecca's Road Trip / Tall - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Randall and Rebecca reflect upon their past relationship while taking a road trip on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

Randall And Rebecca's Road Trip - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Randall and Rebecca reflect upon their past relationship while taking a road trip on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

Kate Contemplates - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9

Kate contemplates her marriage while visiting Toby in San Francisco on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9.

Toby All Alone - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9

Toby takes some alone time while Kate is visiting him in San Francisco on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9.

Trying to Be Happy - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9

Kate and Toby attempt to be happy while Kate is visiting on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9.

An Awkward Reunion - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9

Things get awkward fast when Kate visits Toby in San Francisco on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9.

Toby and Kate Argue - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9

Kate's visit is meant to save her marriage to Toby, but will it be the beginning of the end on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9?

Visiting Toby / Tall - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9

Kate decides to visit Toby in San Francisco to try to save their marriage on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9.

Visiting Toby - This Is Us

Kate decides to visit Toby in San Francisco on This Is Us. "The Hill" is the ninth episode of the show's sixth season.

Kate, Beth, & Rebecca at Madison's Shower - This Is Us Season 5 Episode 15

Kate and her family threw Madison a bridal shower.

Reflecting On The Past - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 8

Kevin reflects on his past while at the cabin with the twins on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 8.

A Scary Incident - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 8

Rebecca comforts Kevin after a scary incident at the pool on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 8.

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
