Kate Is Worried - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11

Kate is worried when little Jack vanishes during a family get-together on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11.

A Family Outing - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11

Toby and Kate take Jack to the park together while trying to patch up their marriage on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11.

Madison's Choice - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11

Will Madison continue to date Elijah or is she thinking about Kevin again on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11?

Kevin Comes Home - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11

Kevin is home after returning the twins to Madison, but is he making things more tense for Toby and Kate on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11?

Jack on the Swings / Tall - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11

LItte Jack enjoys a moment on the swings with his parents, but Toby and Kate's marriage will soon implode on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 11.

Jack On The Swings - This Is Us

Little Jack enjoys the swings with his parents on This Is Us. "Saturday In The Park" is the 11th episode of the show's sixth season.

This Is Randall - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Randall has one last story centered around him as he and Rebecca take a road trip on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

Bonding With Rebecca - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Randall takes one last opportunity to bond with his mother on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

An Old Road Trip - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Rebecca recalls a road trip she took with Randall when the kids were little on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

Rebecca's Little Shadow - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Little Randall follows Rebecca around and does what she does on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

Rebecca and Randall Read - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Rebecca and Randall sit and read books side by side on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

Jack With The Kids - This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10

Jack spends time with Kevin and Kate while Rebecca is with Randall on This Is Us Season 6 Episode 10.

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
