Mr. Honeycroft - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Tom Amandes stars as Mr. Honeycroft the original owner of Heritage House on Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2.

Lettie Meets Margaret - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

A young Lettie meets a young Margaret when they cross paths on the Honecroft vineyard on Promised Land.

Walking Their Vineyard - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Young Margaret walks through her family's vineyard alongside her father on Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2.

Managing the Migrant Workers - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

A young Margaret appears to be working on her father's vineyard and observing some of the other workers.

Young Margaret - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Kerri Medders stars as a young Margaret Honeycroft who grew up the heir of the Heritage House on Promised Land.

Big Dreams -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Brothers Billy and Joe have big dreams and in the past we get to see how they came to be on Promised Land.

Cousins Toast -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Antonio and Mateo share a toast with one another after Mateo's big stand against Joe, but will he work with him?

Feeling Leaves -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Billy and Joe work the fields together and have a conversation about their futures on Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2.

Primos Kick It -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Antonio and Mateo spend some quality time together which may work to their advantage on Promised Land.

Vineyard Brothers - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

ROLANDO CHUSAN and ANDRES VELEZ star as Billy and Joe in their younger years while working at Heritage House.

Comple Trio - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Billy, Lettie, and Joe are all super close with one another while working at Heritage House though a love triangle brews.

A Tricky Situation - Promised Land

Veronica is put in a tricky situation on Promised Land. "La Lucha (The Struggle)" is the third episode of the show's first season.

Promised Land Season 1 Quotes

You think by putting on a collar God forgives you? I don't.

Lettie [to Ramos]

Joe: What's this?
Junior: Just Mexican rap.
Joe: It's just as bad as American rap.