Keeping the Prize-tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Veronica has finally gotten what she wanted, but it could be in jeopardy if she gets blackmailed on La Lucha

Wine Testing -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Joe is passionate about his winemaking and testing and that doesn't stop even though he's turning over the reins.

Margaret in Snakeskin -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Margaret (Bellamy Young) has her eyes set on reclaiming the Honeycroft name its glory on Promised Land.

Hiring a GM - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Joe hires a new general manager for the vineyard to replace Mateo, and it stirs up things with new CEO Veronica.

Glass Decanter -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Joe ponders some things as he pours some wine from one of his decanters on Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3.

Rightful Heir -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Antonio and Veronica both have interest in the family business but one lost out while the other did not.

Luxurious Life - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Margaret is living the life of luxury and always has been, but she wants to reclaim the Honeycroft name.

The Boys Club-tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Margaret always has an uphill battle in the wine and hospitality business, which is dominated by men.

The Boys Club - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 3

Margaret always has an uphill battle in the wine and hospitality business, which is dominated by men.

Young Trio -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Younger versions of Lettie, Billy, and Joe are close wit one another despite the tension that may happen between brothers

Pondering Her Life -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

A young Lettie ponders her new life in the States and what the future holds for her on Promised Land.

Plotting Away -tall - Promised Land Season 1 Episode 2

Antonio and his mother Margaret are working together to take back Heritage House from Joe on Promised Land.

Promised Land Season 1 Quotes

You think by putting on a collar God forgives you? I don't.

Lettie [to Ramos]

Joe: What's this?
Junior: Just Mexican rap.
Joe: It's just as bad as American rap.