Ali on The Night She Disappeared

Before it all went down, Ali was just a girl. A mean girl who lied, sure. But she was alive and had a future. Find out what happened on "A is for Answers."

EzrA is for LIAR!

If Ali's telling the truth in "A is for Answers" then EzrA is a liar because he was with her on the night she was buried alive. Not just a guy writing a book about a girl he once knew after all, huh?

Ali in Love with Ezra?

Is this what Ali looked like when she was in love with Ezra? This photo is from "A is for Answers."

Ali Smiles at Ezra

Ali is in the car with Ezra, wearing the same outfit she was buried alive in in this photo from "A is for Answers." Coincidence? I think not.

Ali Filming Ian

Why is Ali filming Ian in this photo from "A is for Answers" depicting the night she disappeared? Did we ever see such a video or is a new mystery unfolding?

Ian Thomas with Ali before her "Death"

The night she disappeared Ian Thomas was where he shouldn't be. Was he already on the A Team back then?

Ian Points in Ali's Face

Ian was driven to the edge on the night of Ali's disappearance. This is a photo from "A is for Answers."

Closeup of Ali Dissing Ian

Ali's attitude has to be really getting on Ian's nerves in this flashback photo from "A is for Answers."

Ali's Not Impressed with Ian

On the night of her disappearance Alison had a run-in with Ian as shown in this photo from "A is for Answers."

Pour Some Dirt on Ali

No matter how much of a mean girl Ali might have been, she never deserved to be buried alive as we witness in this photo from "A is for Answers."

Do Liars have Superpowers?

If Liars have superpowers, it looks like they could use them as they watch someone approach in this photo from "A is for Answers."

Emily Emulating Michael Jackson

Emily about to throw down doing her best Michael Jackson pose in "A is for Answers"

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Quotes

Fantastic. I will go upstairs and fill this with my dignity.


Mona may not be A, but she's definitely still a B.


Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Music

  Song Artist
Song So What Corey TuT
Youth Knows No Pain Lykke Li iTunes
All Our Love Gentlemen Hall iTunes