Just Beat It

If you've ever imagined what the Liars might look like as they got ready to dance to Michael Jackson's "Beat It," I think we know now! Emily is Michael. Ms. Jackson if you're nasty.

Time for Coffee

They just look like a normal bunch of girls out having coffee in this photo from "A is for Answers." Is Ali out in the open now?

Ali Sizes Up Spencer

It looks like Ali is wondering whether she's made the right decision to trust Spencer in this photo from "A is for Answers."

Alrighty Then! Thanks for Coming!

It looks like the chat is over. Will all be revealed in "A is for Answers"?

Noel Kahn's on The Case

Noel's apparently working for someone, but who? Is he still reporting back to an A -- big or small? Maybe we'll find out in "A is for Answers."

Dancing with the Kahn

Does somebody want to do the rhumba? Noel Khan could show the Liars a few of his smooth moves in "A is for Answers."

Look What the A Dragged In

"A is for Answers" brings in Noel Kahn! Did he crawl in through the window or is he on his way out?

Liars Listen Intently as Ali Tells All

Hopefully the Liars are finally getting the answers they want in "A is for Answers" but considering the title, I'm guessing it's half truths.

Ali Tells All

Ali finally gathers all the girls up to tell everyone about the night she disappeared on "A is for Answers."

Quick! Jump Out The Window!

It's never occurred to most of us to jump out the window to escape someone's clutches, but we've not had clutches to escape or dealt with the likes of A!

Help! A is After Us All!

There is little information about "A is for Answers" but seeing the whole group scared like this ensures it's going to be a heck of a ride!

OMG! No! It Can't Be!

The Liars look like they've finally seen it all as they come face-t0-face with -- WHO??? We'll have to watch "A is for Answers" to find out!

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Quotes

Fantastic. I will go upstairs and fill this with my dignity.


Mona may not be A, but she's definitely still a B.


Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Music

  Song Artist
Song So What Corey TuT
Youth Knows No Pain Lykke Li iTunes
All Our Love Gentlemen Hall iTunes