Aim and Fire - Invasion Season 2 Episode 4

Alfie combines a spray can and a lighter as a defense against the aliens.

Crossing the Tunnel - Invasion Season 2 Episode 4

Jamila's decision to trek the Channel Tunnel puts the group face-to-face with an even deadlier enemy.

Trevante's Ally - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Rose, an underappreciated receptionist for a small police department, becomes Trevante's ally when he needs one most.

Breakthrough Idea - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Mitsuki determines what the alien she's studying has been up to.

Up Against It - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Mitsuki leads the testing to communicate with an alien presence on a downed ship.

Unwanted Counsel - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Clark offers Luke some unheeded advice before the Movement forces hit the road again.

Difficult Decision - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

WDC President Benya Motabe agrees to Mitsuki's daring plan to strike back against the aliens.

Seeking Release - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Trevante remains in jail in a small Oklahoma town.

Making Inroads - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Mitsuki continues testing in an effort to communicate with the alien presence in the downed ship.

Nighttime Firefight - Invasion Season 2 Episode 3

Aneesha finds herself in the middle of a firefight between humans and aliens.

Difficult to Trust - Invasion

Aneesah finds it difficult to trust on Invasion. "Fireworks" is the third episode of the show's second season.

Doing Research - Invasion Season 2 Episode 2

Trevante's daily activities include researching Casper's drawings on a computer.

Invasion Quotes

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.