Shocking Discovery - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Monty discovers a shocking secret about his father in his Paris apartment.

Luke's Confidant - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Ryder has been supportive to her oddball friend, Luke.

Belief in Her Mission - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Jamila believes that finding Casper in Paris will help humanity to win its war against the aliens.

Leaving His Mark - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Alfie comes up with a way to mark his trail while in Paris.

Beleaguered Clark - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Clark finds himself in a difficult situation during the rescue mission for Sarah.

Troubled Luke - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Luke can't account for the voices he's hearing whenever the aliens are nearby.

Concerned Mother - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

Aneesha is concerned about not only for her abducted daughter Sarah but also for Luke and the voices he's hearing.

Under Attack - Invasion Season 2 Episode 6

En route to Camp Pierce, Aneesha and her Movement allies come under a savage attack.

On the Lam - Invasion Season 2 Episode 5

With Rose's aid, Trevante continues his secret investigation of a site from Casper's notebook.

Rose's Dilemma - Invasion Season 2 Episode 5

Rose wonders if helping Trevante escape was the right thing to do.

Keeping Mitsuki Safe - Invasion Season 2 Episode 5

Maya has a full-time role protecting Mitsuki from herself.

Making Contact - Invasion Season 2 Episode 5

Mitsuki must find some way to again communicate with the alien entity.

Invasion Quotes

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.