House Finale Picture

Get out, House! This is a photo of the title character from the series finale of the Fox hit.

House finale Photo

Farewell, Gregory House. This doctor has checked out from his hit show, permanently.

James LeGros on House

James LeGros guest stars on the series finale of House. He plays the final Patient of the Week.

Concern for House

The team is concerned about House in this scene from the series finale. It's eerily titled "Everybody Dies."

Doctor House Photo

House takes a load off in this series finale scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Everybody Dies."

House in the Hallway

How many times have we seen this look on House's face? Take a picture, fans, because this time it's from the series finale.

Happy Wilson

This doesn't look like the face of a man dying, does it? It's a shot of Wilson from the final House episode.

House Series Finale Photo

House has some news for Wilson in this scene from the House finale. Is it good or bad?

Foreman and Wilson

Foreman and Wilson sit and wait in this scene from the House finale. These two have been around since the very beginning.

The House Swan Song

House deals with a new patient in this scene from "Swan Song." It's the first half of the series finale.

Trying to Hang On

House treats a patient in this scene from "Holding On." He's played by Skylar Astin.

House & Wison Take a Trip

House and Wilson take a road trip on House. "Post Mortem" is the 20th episode of the show's eighth and final season.

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
