Ready to Help Wilson

Let's do this! House is prepared to help Wilson beat cancer in this scene from "The C Word."

House Listens

House listens to important news from Wilson on this episode of House. "Body and Soul" is the 18th episode of the 8th and final season.

House and Dominika Plot Sabotage

House and his "wife" Dominika plot to sabotage Emily's relationship on House. "We Need the Eggs" is the 17th episode of the final season.

Chase and Grandma

Cheers! Bottoms up! Chase gets to know Park's grandmother in this scene from House.

House and His Team

House and the team consider options for their patient in this still from the episode "Blowing the Whistle."

Michael B. Jordan on House

Michael B. Jordan, who we adored on Friday Night Lights and Parenthood, guest stars here as a blind patient on House.

House and Dominika

Look how happy House and Dominika are! How dare anyone question them as a couple?!?

Chase and a Patient

Chase bonds here with a patient. She's played by Julie Mond.

Jeffrey Wright on House

Jeffrey Wright stares down House in this scene from "Nobody's Fault." It's a great episode.

A Free House

House is ankle monitor free and having a blast on "Runaways." Pull!

House vs. Wife

Wait just a moment! House prevents a patient's wife from searching for him in this scene from "Better Half."

With a Fake Gun

Don't worry, the gun is fake. House is seen here with Wilson during a scene from "Perils of Paranoia."

House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
